Book Publishing & Soul Development

by: Kisia

| July 17, 2016

| Home Page Articles


I have several coaches, mentors and spiritual leaders that I glean from, subscribe to, and follow on a regular basis. But the day my Goals Coach asked this question changed some things for me:

“What’s the biggest nation in the world?”, he said.

And then he answered it…


I had never heard this question given with this answer before and it changed my perspective tremendously.

In that moment, I realized that I wasn’t the only one who tended to put off important things, make excuses, and just plain procrastinate when it came to achieving my goals.

In that moment, I knew that I could either live on the “crutch” of my excuses or simply do what it took to accomplish my goals in the face of fear, worry and insurmountable challenges.

In that moment, I knew I had everything I needed to get up and make some things happen.

Since that time up until now, the road has not been easy and the journey is far from over but I am enjoying every moment of the achievements and success I am realizing while accomplishing my goals.

What’s more important and even encouraging are the people that I am meeting and inspiring along the way.

Make it a DOERS week!

~ Kish ~

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