Book Publishing & Soul Development

by: Kisia

| July 12, 2016

| Home Page Articles Special


1. Think It: Picture your perfect day. What are the things you need to do to create that day? Keep those images in your mind so when anything comes your way that does not fit that picture, you can eliminate it immediately.


2. Transform It: Decide that you need to maximize your day, then set your heart and mind to make the necessary changes. Transformation is uncomfortable, but it is a necessary process for growth.


3. Track It: Study what you have been spending your time doing, and eliminate the time wasters. Also, take time to identify the times you are most productive so that you can duplicate those actions in other areas.


4. Try It: Go for it. Map out a schedule. Develop a plan. Detail the time zones, and work the systems you have developed.


5. Trust It: Your new way of doing things may seem foreign at first, but give it a chance and trust that your new way of conducting your day is for the best.


6. Train It: Be determined to get in the habit of doing what works over and over again.  Remember that repetition is key and systems set in place yield productivity.


7. Tune It: Life changes, things happen, and adjustments have to be made. Be willing to go back to the drawing board to fine tune your schedule and your systems when you feel they are no longer yielding you maximum results.


To get more empowering tools like this make sure you get your copy of The DO IT Mandate Book & Workbook now.

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