Book Publishing & Soul Development

by: Kisia

| February 12, 2021

| Blog Posts


(Extracted from other platforms.)

Those who have been following me for some time now are aware of the two major tragedies that took place in my family in recent years. One was the murder of my nephew who was at the wrong place at the wrong time and the bullet was intended for someone else not him. The other murder was my brother, who technically is my cousin, but his mom raised me and we grew up in the same house. His murder took place in another city. Totally different incidents, not related, opposite sides of the family, but both cases still have not been brought to justice.
So today my brother James would have been 33 years old and when I tell you the pain of loss still shows up from time to time, it’s not an underestimate. However, I have learned that you must always remain hopeful no matter the seasons of hardship you face and your resolve should always be to persevere. 
When we consider the pandemic, economic downturn, racial injustice and social unrest of last year, it is evident that we endured one of the most challenging seasons in recent history. Those indeed were some painful days experienced by many people. We made it through 2020 and perhaps thought everything would change, only to find that 2021 has its share of challenges as well.
Think about it: Have you ever cried so much and hurt so much because of the pain of life—pain so bad, you just did not want to go on? Remember, I know the feeling—they were literally executed—their murders never solved, and justice never served. This greatly impacted me more than I knew at the time, and as a result, I suffered greatly in several areas of my life, including my business.
If you are not careful, these painful, challenging seasons can cause you to lose ground. If you’re not careful, the enemy will use these circumstances to impede your progress and steal your joy. When your joy leaves, your strength leaves. This is why Scripture reminds us that the joy of the Lord is our strength.
You cannot afford to lose your joy because that is where your power lies. If you have felt oppressed and unmotivated as of late, do not be perplexed because I have got good news for you:
Joy is coming to your house!
Listen to this podcast episode of Mastering Your Message on the Charisma Podcast Network and discover how to receive the joy that is ready to come your way!
Embracing the joy,
~Coach Kish
Int’l. Book Publishing Coach &
Self-Publishing Servicer
P.S. Talking about tragedy…Talking about getting your joy back….We are interviewing another one of our author’s this Thursday.  She lost her young child in a car accident and if she can bounce back, surely there’s hope for us all. Until then, go get some encouragement here.


Dr. Kisia Coleman serves as the Lead Pastor of Kingdom Church Int’l., a non-denominational church in which she and her husband founded. Her job has encompassed many roles in leadership and the organization’s development. She is a Certified Life and Leadership Coach and the Founder of KishKnows, Inc., which has several divisions including consulting, coaching, and book publishing services. Dr. Kisia is also the author of several books and stage productions.  In both October 2012 and October 2013, she was the proud recipient of the Literary Award given by A.I.M. (Association of Independent Ministries) out of Houston, Texas.

Dr. Kisia and her husband live in a suburb of Chicago and are the blessed parents of five children: two boys and three girls, which include two orphaned nieces and a nephew that they have raised since the untimely deaths of the children’s parents.




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