Book Publishing & Soul Development

by: Kisia

| July 15, 2016

| Home Page Articles


Have you heard the latest news? You know, the news that has nothing to do with you accomplishing your goals.

It is amazing to me how much gossip, slander and judgment I see going on in the “church world”! Notice I said “church world” not just secular society. You would think that no one would have the time to concern themselves with the affairs of others. I know I certainly don’t! I am so focused on my business, my ministry, my goals, my dreams…

You get the picture. I don’t have the time or the desire to be in anyone else’s business and neither should you. That is, if you are really serious about being a success.

You see, if you don’t have an object of focus, you won’t be successful. Thomas Edison said this:

“Success is the product of the severest kind of mental and physical application.”

This means that you and I have got to do whatever we have got to do to stay on point with our goals. We just do not have the time for all that other stuff!

Think about it. Now, more than ever before, we are bombarded by distractions: social media, the latest technology, emails, what’s trending, popular television series, the hottest news reports, the gossip, famous people, and the list goes on. And the bottom line is that these are all distractions designed to keep us from minding our own business and getting the results we really want.

You must identify the things that are important to you and concentrate on those things to keep you focused. You also must take an honest assessment of where and what you are really spending your time doing. There is a free app that I use to track my activities on a daily basis. I recommend that you check it out:

Meanwhile, be aware, now that the season is changing and the weather is warming up, things are going to get more “exciting”. There are going to be more temptations coming your way to distract you from your goals but the bottom line is you must MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

Until next time BE A DOER!

Making it happen still,

~ Kish

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